"Roof lizard"

Stegosaurus measured up to 26-30 feet long (8-9 m), about 9 feet tall (2.75 m), and weighed about 1-2 tons, but its small
brain was the size of a walnut (weighing roughly 2.5 - 2.9 ounces (70 - 80 grams). Its skull was long and narrow; it had a
toothless beak and small cheek teeth. Its head was carried close to the ground, probably no more than 3 feet (1 m) high.

Stegosaurus had 17 bony plates that were embedded in its back. Since they were not attached to its bones, no one is sure
exactly how they were positioned. Also, the function of these plates is uncertain. The plates were made of bone which
was not solid, but was filled with tube-like tunnels. The plates were prbobaly well-nourished by blood vessels, indicating
that the plates may have been used to regulate the dinosaur's temperature. They may have also been used for protection
or mating display purposes.

Stegosaurus also had tail spikes at the end of its flexible tail. These spikes were up to four feet long and were used for
protection from predators. Different species of Stegosaurus had different numbers of tail spikes; Stegosaurus ungulatis
had 8 spikes and Stegosaurus stenops had 4 spikes.

Stegosaurus' rear legs were longer and straighter than its front legs, which sprawled out to the sides. The forefeet (the
feet of the front legs) had five short, wide toes with short, hoof-like tips. The rear feet had three short, wide toes with


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Daniel Berry