Binoculars: There are no points deducted for the use of the binoculars in the hunt.  Press the "B" key (default) to use the binoculars and then again, to put them away.  With this item, you can see just outside of your normal viewable range, and centering the crosshairs on a dinosaur will show you the animal's size.

Map: The map allows you to pinpoint your location on any island.  There are no points deducted from your score for using it.  Press the TAB key (default) to call the map into view, and press it again, to remove. The map is used with the radar, as stated above to point out locations of the dinosaurs.

Dinosaur Call: This item is used to use the dinosaur's native calls, to attract the animals.  There are no points deducted from your score for using the Dinosaur Call.  Press the "ALT" key (default) to use the call.  The call, when overused, can scare plant eaters, or attract meat eaters to your location, so be careful.

Wind Indicator and Compass: These items are standard for a hunter, and do not deduct points from your score.  The Wind Indicator shows wind direction with an arrow, with the length of the arrow denoting the force of the wind.  The Compass shows the direction that you are facing on top.  These items can be toggled into and out of use with the <CAPS LOCK> key (default).

The following are helpful when learning how to hunt, but points are deducted from your hunt with the use of certain items. To use any item, simply click on the icon in the menu.  A lighted icon denotes its use for the hunt.

Radar: This allows you to view the dinosaur locations on the map during your hunt.  A dinosaur is depicted on the map as a green dot.  Your location is shown as the red dot with the circle surrounding it.  Please note that the map shows only the dinosaurs you are hunting.  All other dinosaurs are masked.  Use of the map deducts 30% from your total points acquired during that hunt.

Cover Scent: This item allows you to mask your scent from all dinosaurs reducing the likelihood of you being spotted.  Use of the Cover Scent deducts 20% from your total points acquired during that hunt.

Camouflage: This special suit decreases the dinosaur's ability to detect you through sight. Use of the Camouflage deducts 15% from your total points acquired during that hunt.

Allows you to run very fast with the "Ctrl" key
Toggle slow motion [Shift] + S
Toggle frame rate and polygons per frame display  [Shift] + T
Longer jumps [Ctrl] + N
Full map [Tab]
Hold before entering water to swim [Space]

Do be sure to download the 3Dfx patch from the site, if you have a 3Dfx Graphics Card .